CE Mark

How will CE mark be applied?

Existing in its present form since 1985, the CE marking indicates that the manufacturer or importer claims compliance with the relevant EU legislation applicable to a product, regardless of where manufactured. By affixing the CE marking on a product, a manufacturer is declaring, at its sole responsibility, conformity with all of the legal requirements to achieve CE marking which allows free movement and sale of the product throughout the European Economic Area.

As per Construction Products Regulation (CPR), CE marking has to be applied and 10 lines of information is required :

• CE mark

• Notified Body Identification Number (ID)

• Name and Address of the manufacturer

• Initial certification date

• Declaration of Performance Identification Number (DoP ID)

• Harmonized European standard

• Material Identification Number (ID)

• Intended Use

• Performance

Decleration of Performance

Decleration of Performance is an obligatory document for the products subject to Construction Product Regulation

The Declaration of Performance is a key part of the Construction Products Regulation. It provides information on the performance of a product. Each construction product covered by a European harmonised standard or for which a European Technical Assessment has been issued needs this Declaration and has to be CE marked. This helps increase transparency and improves the functioning of the Single Market.

DoP has to be distributed electronically by law in the local language for each product type, and should be made available as archive for 10 years after the production stops.

There is no fixed format for Decleration of Performance but it should include following details:

1-Decleration of Performance Number (Manufacturer determines)

2-Product ID number

3-Intended Use

4-Manufacturer's name and commercial title

5-Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) system(s) number applicable to construction product

6-Harmonized standard's reference number and publish date

7-Notified body(s) ID number

8-Basic characteristic according to harmonized standard and performance level based on this characteristic (If no performance is declared, NPD letters are used)


Other CPR Terminology

Reaction to Fire  Yangına Tepki
Resistance to Fire  Yangına Dayanım
Decleration of Performance (DoP)  Performans Beyanı (PB)
Decleration of Conformity (DoC)  Uyum Beyanı
Notified Body  Onaylı Kuruluş
Notified Testing Laboratory  Onaylı Test Laboratuvarı
AoC (Attestation of Conformity)  Uygunluk Teyidi
Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP)  Performansın Değişmezliğinin Değerlendirilmesi ve Doğrulanması 
Low Voltage Directive (LVD)  Alçak Gerilim Direktifi
No Performance Declared (NPD)  Performans Beyan Edilmemiştir
Official Journal of European Union (OJEU)  Avrupa Birliği Resmi Gazetesi
NANDO (New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations)   Yeni Yaklaşım Onaylanmış Kuruluşlar Organizasyonu
Product Contact Point for Construction  Yapı İşleri için Ürün İletişim Noktası
EXAP (Extended Field of Application)  Genişletilmiş Uygulama - Ürün ailesi davranışını temsil eden tip adedinin azaltılması için kullanılan kurallardır
Full Production Control (FPC)   Fabrika Üretim Kontrolü
FIGRA (Fire Growth Rate Index)  Yangın Büyüme Hız İndisi
Flaming Droplets  Alevli Parçacık
FS (Flame Spread)  Alev Yayılımı
HRR – Heat Release Rate  Açığa Çıkan Isı Değeri
SPR (Smoke Production Rate)  Duman Oluşum Değeri
THR (Total Heat Release)  Açığa Çıkan Toplam Isı
TSP (Total Smoke Production)  Toplam Duman Oluşumu
Harmonised Technical Specification  Uyumlaştırılmış Teknik Şartname

TS EN 50399 Standard

EN 50399 defines "Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Heat release and smoke production measurement on cables during flame spread test - Test apparatus, procedures, results"

EN 50399 specifies the test apparatus and test procedures for the assessment of the reaction to fire performance of cables to enable classification under the Construction Products Regulation to be achieved.

The test method describes an intermediate scale fire test of multiple cables mounted on a vertical cableladder and is carried out with a specified ignition source to evaluate the burning behaviour of such cables and enable a direct declaration of performance. The test provides data for the early stages of a cable fire from ignition of cables. It addresses the hazard of propagation of flames along the cable, the potential, by the measurement of the heat release rate, for the fire to affect areas adjacent to the compartment of origin, and the hazard, by the measurement of production of light obstructing smoke, of reduced visibility in the room of origin and surrounding enclosures.
The following parameters may be determined under defined conditions during the test:
a) flame spread;
b) heat release rate;
c) total heat release;
d) smoke production rate;
e) total smoke production;
f) fire growth rate index;
g) occurrence of flaming droplets/particles .

The apparatus is based upon that of EN 60332-3-10 but with additional instrumentation to measure heat release and smoke production during the test. It has been demonstrated [3] that the utilisation of these additional measurement techniques, proven for other standard tests, e.g. for building products, are appropriate for assessing the reaction to fire performance of electric cables. These techniques include heat release and smoke production measurements. Compared with existing test methods described in EN 60332-3-10, they enable a more comprehensive assessment system, which is both more precise and sensitive, and enables a wider range of fire performance levels.
Care should be exercised in relating the parameters measured to different safety levels in actual cable installations as the actual installed configuration of the cables may be a major determinant in the level of flame spread, heat release and smoke production occurring in an actual fire. These parameters depend upon a number of features, such as
a) the volume of combustible material exposed to the fire and to any flaming or heat which may be
produced by the combustion of the cables;
b) the geometrical configuration of the cables and their relationship to an enclosure;
c) the temperature at which it is possible to ignite the gases emitted from the cables;
d) the quantity of combustible gas released from the cables for a given temperature rise;
e) the volume of air passing through the cable installation;
f) the construction of the cable, e.g. armoured or unarmoured, multi or single core.
All of the foregoing assumes that the cables are able to be ignited when involved in an external fire.


Reference: TS EN 50399:2011+A1:2016 Standard

TS EN 50575:2014+A1:2016 Standard

Power, control and communication cables - Cables for general applications in construction works subject to reaction to fire requirements

This European Standard specifies reaction to fire performance requirements, test and assessment methods for electric cables used for the supply of electricity and for control and communication purposes, which are intended for use in construction works and subject to performance requirements on reaction to fire.
The cables covered by this standard are intended to be used for the supply of electricity and communications in buildings and other civil engineering works with the objective of limiting the generation and spread of fire and smoke.
Cables intended to be used for the supply of electricity, communication, and fire detection and alarm in buildings and other civil engineering works where it is essential to assure the continuity of power and/or signal supply of safety installations such as alarm, way guidance and fire fighting installations are not covered by this standard.
NOTE This European Standard does not replace the electrical, mechanical and environmental requirements that are essential to demonstrate compliance with other applicable cable standards/specifications.
This European Standard covers:
— power cables – insulated conductors and cables for use in, e.g. the supply of electricity;
— control and communication cables – wires, symmetric cables, and coaxial cables with metallic conductors for use in, e.g. telecommunication, data transmission, radio frequency, video communication and signalling and control equipment;
— optical fibre cables – for use in, e.g. telecommunication, data transmission, radio frequency, video
communication and signalling and control equipment.


Reference: TS EN 50575, 2014+A1:2016 Standard

Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance Systems

SYSTEM 1+ / 1
Declaration of the performance of the essential characteristics of the construction product by the manufacturer on the basis of the following items:
(a) The manufacturer shall carry out:
      1.Factory production control (FPC) 
      2.Further testing of samples taken at the factory in accordance with the prescribed test plan

(b) The notified product certification body shall issue the certificate of constancy of performance of the product on the basis of:
      1.determination of the product-type on the basis of type testing (including sampling), type calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation of the product;
      2.initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of factory production control
      3.continuous surveillance, assessment and evaluation of factory production control
      4.audit-testing of samples taken before placing the product on the market (only for 1+)


Declaration of the performance of the essential characteristics of the construction product by the manufacturer on the basis of the following items:
(a) The manufacturer shall carry out:
      1.Factory production control (FPC)
      2.testing of samples taken at the factory in accordance with the prescribed test plan
      3.determination of the product-type on the basis of type testing (including sampling), type calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation of the product

(b) The notified production control certification body shall issue the certificate of conformity of the factory production control on the basis of :
      1.initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of factory production control
      2.continuous surveillance, assessment and evaluation of factory production control


Declaration of the performance of the essential characteristics of the construction product by the manufacturer on the basis of the following items
(a) The manufacturer shall carry out: Factory production control (FPC)

(b) The notified testing laboratory shall carry out determination of the product-type on the basis of type testing (based on sampling carried out by the manufacturer), type calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation of the product


Declaration of the performance of the essential characteristics of the construction product by the manufacturer on the basis of the following items
(a) The manufacturer shall carry out:
      1. factory production control (FPC)
      2. determination of the product-type on the basis of type testing, type calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation of the product

(b) No tasks for the notified body

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