CompanyMar 5, 2019
Nexans Continues Technical Seminars in Iraq
After the first technical seminar held in Iraq in the end of 2018, Nexans held the second seminar in the country on February 28, 2019 with the broad participation of the technical teams of Oil and Gas institutions and organizations as well as the employees of Sulaymaniyah Electricity Authority of the Ministry of Electricity.
CompanyFeb 28, 2019
Nexans Denizli Team Awarded in Kaizen Sharing Event
The 5th Kaizen Sharing Activity was held between February 22 and 23, 2019 where Nexans Factory in Denizli took part with “TC11 Tempering Machine Carbon-Brush Burning Problem” project created as part of the NEW activities of 2018. Nexans team was awarded the “Most Efficient Presentation” prize according to the votes of the participants.
CareerJan 28, 2019
Career Day at Nexans Denizli Plant
Nexans Turkey Denizli Plant held “Career Day” within occupational choices and career planning issues to be enlightening for high school children of plant employees. Hosted by Plant Manager İlkay Demirezen, the event has been realized on 24 January 2019 with the participation of 14 high school students.
CompanyDec 27, 2018
Nexans Turkey Employees Achieved to Collect Donations Worth 1 Year Care for 10 Children
Nexans Turkey employees participated to a charity run for the benefit of Koruncuk (Children in Need of Protection Foundation) in the 40th Istanbul Marathon, and achieved to collect donations worth 1 year fund for all the needs such as education, care and rehabilitation of 10 children.
CompanyDec 3, 2018
Nexans First Technical Seminar in Iraq was held on Nov 28, 2018 in Erbil
The first technical seminar organized by Nexans in Iraq took place with the participation of reputable companies representing Power distribution and Oil Gas sectors among which Erbil, Dohuk, Mousul electrical departments of the Ministry of Electricity as well as Oil and Gaz EPC’s.
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