
Message from Christopher Guerin and Atilla Kurtiş

Feb 10, 2023

As Turkey is currently facing a horrible tragedy, we would like to send a message of solidarity to all our employees, their relatives, and to all those who have been affected. Our thoughts are with all the bereaved families across the country. 

We have a special thought to our customers, partners and suppliers based in this region.
Many of our employees have contacted our Turkish teams to express their solidarity and the desire to help in any way possible. This is one of the strong values of our Group and we want to thank them for that.
Considering the magnitude of the disaster, the number of aid channels, and the supply and logistics problems we saw, we wanted to provide assistance to the disaster region at the right time and in the right way. We are committed to making donations both from our employees and Nexans Turkey, clothing and material aid, and for disaster victims, we will offer Nexans’ transfer facilities with all kinds of support and coordination.
In the coming days and weeks, we will continue our commitment in support of the Turkish people.
Once again we would like to share, on behalf of all Nexans employees, our deepest sympathies and guarantee our full support to all those affected.

Christopher Guerin
Nexans CEO

Atilla Kurtiş
General Manager Nexans Turkey

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